
YFC Camp: Kara

Kara is a young person searching for answers. She has tons of questions FOR God and ABOUT God. She never fails to ask the really tough questions of her leaders in her search of truth. 

When she first got connected to YFC, she was coming out of a tough situation at her school. She could no longer attend her school after a decision she made and was now bearing the weight of the consequences. So, she would sit with YFC staff members and work on school work, share a meal together, and talk about life. During those meals are where her questions really started to pour out. 

When Kara went to YFC Camp those questions didn’t end. One night after worship, when the girls gathered in their small groups, Kara had a breakthrough moment. She started opening up and talking about her relationship with God. She shared that she tries to go to God with her questions, but she feels like He’s not answering her. One of the camp leaders got to sit with her in that and in turn ask Kara some tough questions. She asked her to really reflect on where else God might be revealing Himself to her. She shared that sometimes God might not answer you in how you think or want to be answered. By the end of the night, they prayed and Kara gave her life to Christ. 

YFC Camp wasn’t what started Kara’s search for God, but it was a pivotal moment for her in her relationship with the Lord. For Kara, YFC Camp really was where everything changed. 

YFC Camp: Ben

Ben grew up knowing about God, but his faith was challenged and stretched when he faced an unforeseen circumstance in his life. He was dealing with anger, pain, and questioning why God would allow something so tragic to happen to his family. He started to make decisions that were leading him more and more down a path away from God. 


During the week of YFC Camp, Ben’s faith was renewed. YFC Camp served as a “halting point” for him to refocus on Jesus and to see he has been with him all along. He bonded with some of the other guys on the trip and got to see first-hand that he was not alone. It also helped him realize that others look to him as a leader, and that he needs to focus on how Jesus lead others. One YFC staff member said this about Ben, “He’s a born leader who has lots of zeal and love for others.” 

Ben’s leadership really shined at the end of YFC Camp. Students had the opportunity to get up on stage in front of their peers and share anything that God was pressing on their hearts; Ben was one of the first ones up there. He opened up about where he was at and encouraged others in the room. His vulnerability made space for others to feel open enough to share too.

YFC Camp helped Ben take a hard stop and put his eyes back on Jesus. At the end of the week Ben said, “...this camp was exactly what I needed.”