City Life Launches Life Skills Class, and Here's Why...


How can we introduce teens to Christ and equip them to faithfully serve Him? This is a question of vital importance.

City Life seeks to do both – uplifting the gospel and teaching valuable life skills. This is why we recently launched a Life Skills class in partnership with the Rock River Valley YMCA. We have a heart to “make disciples” of Christ (Matthew 28:19) who embrace the gospel, learn new skills, and develop as leaders who serve Christ and others.

Our outreach must be “holistic” in this sense.

Many of the youth we serve do not know Christ or possess an understanding of the Bible. Some have skewed views of God and His love. It is imperative that we teach the gospel, highlight the narrative of Scripture, and connect youth to local churches. An encounter with the goodness of God’s love is our hope and prayer. Our young people are the future of the Church.

Many of the youth we serve also lack an understanding of basic life skills. It is thus also important that we instruct life skills that empower. An emphasis on such skills and mindsets will increase the capacity of youth to flourish as God-honoring people. Our youth are the future “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).  

This is what is happening at City Life, and the Life Skills class is an exciting development in achieving our mission. The class will feature topics such as Career Readiness, Time Management, Financial Literacy, and more. Guest speakers from a variety of fields will share their knowledge and experience. Youth will be encouraged in their self-esteem, as beloved children of God with invaluable worth to their Creator and our world.

Do you want to partner with us? Please reach out. We are looking for volunteers, including mentors and guest speakers. Let’s empower our youth together.